May 1, 2020
May 1st Family Update
Hello Qayqayt Families,
We cannot believe that it is the first day of May. The last 5 weeks since Spring Break has certainly been quite the learning curve for all of us from social distancing, washing hands all the time, learning where to hide another roll of toilet paper, how to rearrange our new hairdo’s and lining up for everything. When it comes to schooling we have all had to set up our homes as our classrooms, greet each other only through Google Meets/Zoom and learn that our goodbyes mean “we miss you”.
We know that this can be a stressful time for your children. Fear and worry are normal for children of all ages. But there are things you can do to manage stress and support your children during these extraordinary times. To support your children do your best to set routines for them, stay calm, be positive, eat healthy and prepare food together, make sure they get enough sleep, play/spend time with your children (inside and outside) and take digital breaks from the news and social media. It is also a stressful time for adults and it is important that you all take care of yourself not just for your well-being, but also for those you care about and support. If there are any extra supports or resources that you need during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for support. We are here and will do what we can to support you through these uncertain times.
Earlier this week, we sent home in an email a video the school district put together highlighting digital citizenship and appropriate use of Google and Teams. Please make sure that you have reviewed the video and where appropriate, view with your child (Grade 3-5) and review the key concepts. The video can be found on the district website under COVID-19 resources.
This week staff will continue to ensure that students are engaged in remote learning opportunities and teachers will continue to evaluate and assess their learning. We will be sending more information home soon regarding report cards.
As always, if there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are all in this together and together we will get through this.
Karen and Nadia
Qayqayt Elementary 604-517-6050