School Procedures
Supervision Before and After School
There is no supervision at the front of the school from 8:30 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. and no supervision on the grounds after 3:00 p.m. Students are expected to arrive at school between 8:45 and 8:50 a.m.
After School Pick Up:
We would if all parents/caregivers could ensure their child is picked up promptly at 3:00p.m. every day. It becomes difficult when children are left waiting on the playground or at the office area. Setting up a regular routine at the end of the school day will help alleviate worry and upset for the child. We realize there will be those rare occasions when an unexpected emergency arises. In these situations please contact the school office immediately so arrangements can be made.
Lates and Absences:
Student absences and/or late arrivals should be phoned in daily to 604-517-6050. Please keep the office informed of your address and telephone number changes so that you can be reached promptly in the event of an emergency. We are committed to working cooperatively with students and parents to ensure the students punctually attend each and every day. There is a significant correlation between good attendance and academic success. If we do not hear from you, we call home and emergency contacts if necessary. This is a timely process.
Please continue to keep everyone safe as families make their way to and from school by remembering to:
- Leave ample time to park
- Park in posted areas only (do not park in laneways and walk away from your car)
- Use the crosswalks
- Park further away to avoid traffic congestion
We need to be patient and kind to each other making sure we are keeping everyone safe and setting a good example for the students.
Visiting the School:
According to the School District’s Safe School Access Policy ALL VISITORS on the school site MUST wear identification so that they are identifiable to students, staff, and parents, as permissible visitors on school business. If you are volunteering or visiting in a classroom, attending a Field Trip, or waiting outside at lunch time watching your child play before they come into the school after lunch, you must first sign-in at the office. You will be given a VISITOR tag to wear. Please return to the office to sign out when you are finished. In any emergency situation, we must be able to account for the whereabouts of all students, staff and visitors, on-site or off-site.
Medical Information:
If your child has allergies or medical issues we need to be aware of, please let the office know right away. We need to make sure we have the appropriate information on file in case of emergency. Please note that students should not be in possession of any medication when at school. Medication is to be stored at the office. The staff may not administer medication to students unless the required form is completed and signed by the the parent and physician.
Our School District passed a policy to ensure the safety of our students. Animals are not allowed on school property without the prior approval of the Superintendent or his designate. Of course, guide dogs and police dogs are allowed under the control of their owners. Also, with prior approval, animals brought for specific purposes, such as classroom demonstrations or units of study in the class, may be brought to school. Some teachers may choose to keep small animals in a cage or aquarium for instructional purposes, and will have received prior approval. We know that you share with us the desire to keep children safe on school grounds and in the buildings. We appreciate, therefore, if you do not bring dogs or other animals onto school grounds during the school day or when you drop off or pick up children, as incidents have occurred in these situations. Also, some children are allergic or fearful of these animals. Please assist us in keeping all animals off the school grounds.
Just a reminder, we are asking that all electronic devices (ie. cell phones, digital cameras, iPods, etc.) remain at home for a variety of reasons. If students bring these items to school, they must remain in their backpacks for the entire school day, including recess and lunch. If used during school hours, devices will be taken away and stored in a safe place until the end of the day. If you need to contact your child during school hours please phone the office and we will make sure they receive your message or we will call them to the office so that you can talk to them. We cannot be responsible for items brought to school that are damaged, lost or misplaced.