2024/2025 SCHOOL YEAR
Grades 1 to 5
École Qayqayt is giving parents of our Grade 1 to 5 students the opportunity to order school supplies online directly from School Start. Ordering the school supplies through School Start will ensure quality control and will also save you time and money. You will be able to order your child’s school supplies now or over the summer and have them delivered directly to your home in time to start the new school year.
Please click School Start Supplies to order your child’s school supplies.
If you opt to purchase school supplies on your own, please refer to the attached supplies lists to ensure you are purchasing the correct items.
Kindergarten Supplies …more information to come.
Grades 1 to 5
Students will have an opportunity to purchase a 2024/2025 School Planner/Agenda at the beginning of the school year. More information will follow.
The District is committed to ensuring that no school age student will be denied educational opportunities due to financial hardship. Parents and guardians unable to pay some or all of a school fee are invited to speak to their child’s teacher, school counselor, or school principal.
École Qayqayt Elementary